On eternal forced mean curvature flows of tori in perturbations of the unit sphere

Graham Smith (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

30-Jun-2020, 14:00-15:00 (4 years ago)

Abstract: Using a singular perturbation argument based on the work of B. White, we construct eternal mean curvature flows of tori in perturbations of the standard unit 3-sphere. Besides being of interest in the theory of mean curvature flows, such objects have applications in Morse homology theory. A large part of the proof involves the construction of certain types of functions of Morse-Smale type over the moduli space of Clifford tori. This has interesting potential applications to the theory of Radon transformations. This is joint work with Claudia Salas Mangaño.

differential geometry

Audience: researchers in the topic

( paper )

Pangolin seminar

Series comments: TIME HAS CHANGED: 15:30 Paris 10:30AM Rio de Janeiro

Description: Differential geometry seminar

Zoom link posted on the webpage 15 minutes before each lecture: https://sites.google.com/view/pangolin-seminar/home

Organizers: Sébastien Alvarez, François Fillastre*, Andrea Seppi, Graham Smith
*contact for this listing

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