Integrability of singular foliations

Bertrand Toën

03-Mar-2022, 13:30-14:30 (3 years ago)

Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce derived foliations (in the algebraic and complex analytic settings), a general notion of foliations for which leaves are allowed to be singular subvarieties. I will explain how these can be globally integrated by contructing a monodromy and a holonomy groupoid. When the derived foliation is algebraic I'll explain how a Riemann-Hilbert correspondence can be used in order to describe (part of) the holonomy using purely algebraic constructions. Joint with G. Vezzosi.


Audience: researchers in the topic

Geometry Seminar - University of Florence

Series comments: If you are interested in attending, please send a message to or

Organizers: Giorgio Ottaviani*, Daniele Angella*, Francesco Pediconi, Valerio Melani
*contact for this listing

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