Small Nijenhuis tensors on compact almost complex manifolds with no complex structure

Scott Wilson (Queens College and CUNY)

14-Apr-2021, 13:30-14:30 (4 years ago)

Abstract: I will present several examples of compact almost complex manifolds with a $1$-parameter family of almost complex structures having arbitrarily small Nijenhuis tensors in the $C^0$-norm. The $4$-dimensional examples possess no complex structure, while the $6$-dimensional examples do not possess left invariant complex structures, and whether they possess complex structures appears to be unknown. This is joint work with Luis Fernandez and Tobias Shin.


Audience: researchers in the topic

Geometry Seminar - University of Florence

Series comments: If you are interested in attending, please send a message to or

Organizers: Giorgio Ottaviani*, Daniele Angella*, Francesco Pediconi, Valerio Melani
*contact for this listing

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