The SU(2,1)-character variety of the 1-holed torus

Sean Lawton (George Mason Univ.)

Wed Jun 19, 10:00-11:00 (6 months ago)

Abstract: We sketch the proof that the SU(2,1)-character variety of the 1-holed torus is homotopic to a product of circles. We then discuss the mapping class group dynamics on this character variety. In particular, we describe an open domain of discontinuity. This work represents collaborative work with Sara Maloni and Frédéric Palesi. See arXiv:2402.10838 for more information.

mathematical physicsalgebraic geometryalgebraic topologydifferential geometryrepresentation theorysymplectic geometry

Audience: researchers in the topic

Geometry and Physics @ Lisbon

Organizer: Carlos Florentino*
*contact for this listing

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