Using automata to prove theorems about sequences

Jeffrey Shallit (University of Waterloo)

Wed May 8, 13:00-14:00 (9 days ago)

Abstract: Automata have proven very useful in practice, both for text searching and the analysis of various kinds of discrete systems. In this talk, however, I will show that they are also useful for (rigorously) proving theorems about sequences, and hence become a new and exciting tool for number theorists and combinatorialists. As an example, I will talk about a sequence of Benoit Cloitre, defined by a certain recurrence involving Fibonacci numbers. Many properties of this sequence were conjectured, and using automata we can now resolve all of them. The proofs are done using Walnut, a free open-source theorem-prover for automatic sequences, originally designed by Hamoon Mousavi.

This is joint work with Benoit Cloitre.

formal languages and automata theory

Audience: researchers in the topic

( paper )

One FLAT World Seminar

Organizers: Luca Prigioniero*, Rogério Reis*
*contact for this listing

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