Sheffield Number Theory Seminar

K-theory and homology number theory operator algebras representation theory

University of Sheffield

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Tuesday 12:00-13:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Robert Kurinczuk*
*contact for this listing

Unless stated otherwise, talks will be in J11 Hicks Building. We will announce individual links for online talks.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueMay 2112:00Owen PatashnickAut we to act? a mod p story
TueMay 0712:00Jay TaylorModular Reduction of Nilpotent Orbits
TueApr 3012:00Bence HevesiLocal-global compatibility at l=p for torsion automorphic Galois representations
TueApr 2312:00Johannes DroschlOn modular representations of $GL_n$ over a p-adic field
TueMar 1213:00Andrea DottoSome consequences of mod p multiplicity one for Shimura curves
TueMar 0513:00Lewis M CombesPeriod polynomials of level 1 Bianchi modular forms
TueFeb 2713:00Alexandros GroutidesOn integral structures in smooth $\mathrm{GL}_2$-representations and zeta integrals.
TueFeb 2013:00Beth RomanoEpipelagic representations in the local Langlands correspondence
TueFeb 1313:00Luis Santiago PalaciosGeometry of the Bianchi eigenvariety at non-cuspidal points
TueDec 0513:00Chris BirkbeckFormalising modular forms, Eisenstein series and the modularity conjecture in Lean
TueNov 2813:00Johannes GirschOn families of degenerate representations of GL_n(F)
TueNov 2113:00Rob Rockwoodp-adic families of cohomology classes and Euler systems for GSp4
TueNov 1413:00TBATBA
TueNov 0713:00Jeff ManningThe Wiles-Lenstra-Diamond numerical criterion over imaginary quadratic fields
TueOct 3113:00Robert KurinczukBlocks for classical p-adic groups
TueOct 2412:00HÃ¥vard Damm-JohnsenDiagonal Restrictions of Hilbert Eisenstein series
TueOct 1012:00Ju-Feng WuOn $p$-adic adjoint $L$-functions for Bianchi cuspforms: the $p$-split case
TueMay 0212:00Michael YiasemidesDivisor Sums and Hankel Matrices
TueMar 2812:00Justin TriasTowards a theta correspondence in families for type II dual pairs
TueMar 1413:00Haluk SengunK-theory and automorphic forms?
TueMar 0713:00Neil DummiganModularity of a certain ``rank-2 attractor'' Calabi-Yau 3-fold
TueFeb 2813:00Tobias BergerTBA
TueFeb 2113:00Lorenzo La PortaTBA
TueFeb 0713:00Aleksander HorawaMotivic action conjectures
WedDec 1414:00Bodan ArsovskiThe p-adic Kakeya conjecture
TueDec 0613:00Rachel NewtonDistribution of genus numbers of abelian number fields
TueNov 2913:00Alice PozziTame triple product periods
TueNov 2213:00Peiyi CuiDecompositions of the category of $\ell$-modular representations of $SL_n(F)$
TueNov 1513:00Ciaran SchembriTorsion points on abelian surfaces with many endomorphisms
TueNov 0813:00Nadir MatringeSymmetric periods for automorphic forms on unipotent groups
TueOct 1812:00Maleeha KhawajaThe Fermat equation over real biquadratic fields
TueOct 0412:00Rob KurinczukThe integral Bernstein centre
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