Seminario de Geometría y Física - Matemática UCN-USP

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Mathematics Physics

Audience: Researchers in the discipline
Seminar series time: Every other Thursday 19:00-20:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Francisco Rubilar*, Elizabeth Gasparim, Cristián Ortiz
*contact for this listing
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuJul 1520:00Soren GalatiusEquivariant cobordism categories
ThuJul 0120:00Mark ColarussoGeometry of complex Gelfand - Zeitlin integrable systems
ThuJun 1720:00Silvina Ponce DawsonNested pooling for the efficient detection of infected samples
ThuJun 0320:00James PascaleffStructures in the Floer theory of Symplectic Groupoids
ThuMay 2020:00Jorge GamboaCorrections of the magnetic moment of the muon and possibilities of new physics
ThuMay 0620:00João Nuno MestreDeformations of symplectic groupoids
ThuApr 2220:00Brent PymA global Weinstein splitting theorem for holomorphic Poisson manifolds.
ThuApr 0820:00Emilia MezzettiLefschetz properties, Laplace equations and Galois coverings
ThuDec 1719:00Giuseppe De NittisQuantization of edge currents along magnetic interfaces: A K-theory approach
ThuDec 0319:00Edward HirstMachine-Learning Dessins d'Enfants: Explorations via Modular and Seiberg-Witten Curves
ThuNov 2619:00Stephen GriffethRepresentations of Weyl groups via the geometry of the Springer resolution
ThuNov 1219:00Yang-Hui HeUniverses as Bigdata: Superstrings, Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Machine-Learning
ThuNov 0519:00Marija DimitrijevicL-infinity Algebras of Gravity and their Braided Deformations
ThuOct 2219:00Sebastián Reyes-CaroccaOn regular non-cyclic covers of the projective line
ThuOct 0819:00Henrique N. Sá EarpInstantons on Sasakian 7-manifolds
ThuSep 2419:00Francisco RubilarThe Kuranishi map for moduli of vector bundles on surfaces of general type.
ThuSep 1019:00J. Sebastián BáezCoadjoint semi-direct orbit andsymplectic Deformations
ThuJul 2318:30Koushik RayConformal Correlation functions in four dimensions from Quaternionic Lauricella system
ThuJul 0918:30Mark GrossIntrinsic Mirror Symmetry
ThuJun 2520:00Nuno CardosoTowards a new technique to compute the Orlov spectrum
ThuJun 1120:00M. Pilar García del MoralFluxes, Twisted Tori, Monodromy and $U(1)$ supermembranes
ThuMay 2820:00Marcos JardimComplex instantons
ThuMay 1420:00José Figueroa-O'FarrillSupersymmetry and Lie algebra deformations
ThuApr 3020:00Chris WoodwardFukaya categories and blow-ups
FriApr 1720:00Gregório Pacelli BessaGreen function and Dirichlet spectrum.
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