Rutgers Number Theory Seminar

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number theory

Rutgers University, New Brunswick

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Tuesday 18:00-19:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Alexander Walker*
*contact for this listing

Seminar talks in this series will be conducted via Zoom. To join our mailing list and/or receive Zoom links and meeting passwords, please email Alexander Walker (

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueApr 2718:00Yiannis PetridisArithmetic statistics of modular symbols
TueApr 2018:00Anders SödergrenCan a random lattice and its dual be independent?
TueApr 1318:00Ian WhiteheadApollonian Packings and Kac-Moody Root Systems
TueApr 0618:00Yusheng LuoCircle packings, kissing reflection group and critically fixed anti-rational maps
TueMar 3018:00Hung BuiAnalytic ranks of automorphic L-functions and Landau-Siegel zeros
TueMar 2318:00Olivia BeckwithZero density estimates and fractional imaginary parts of zeros of GL(2) L-functions
TueMar 0219:00Frank ThorneUpper Bounds for Counting Number Fields
TueFeb 2319:00Francisco Arana HerreraEffective mapping class group dynamics
TueFeb 1619:00Adam HarperLarge fluctuations of random multiplicative functions
TueFeb 0919:00David Lowry-DudaComputing and verifying Maass forms
TueFeb 0219:00Sarah PeluseAn asymptotic version of the prime power conjecture for perfect difference sets
TueJan 2619:00Yotam SmilanskyClassification and statistics of cut-and-project sets
TueDec 0119:00Tony FengThe geometric distribution of Selmer groups over function fields
TueNov 1719:00Solomon FriedbergLanglands functoriality, the converse theorem, and the integral representations of L-functions
TueNov 1019:00Tim TrudgianZeta Zeroes… Mind the Gap!
TueNov 0319:00Nattalie TamamEffective equidistribution of horospherical flows in infinite volume
TueOct 2718:00Dmitry FrolenkovSecond moment of symmetric square LL-functions over Gaussian integers and the Prime Geodesic Theorem
TueOct 2018:00Thomas BloomAdditive structure in dense sets of integers
TueOct 1318:00Matthew YoungMoments and hybrid subconvexity for symmetric-square L-functions
TueSep 2918:00Kim Klinger-LoganHow to fail to prove the Riemann Hypothesis
TueSep 2218:00Nikolay BogachevArithmetic and quasi-arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups
TueSep 1518:00Stefan SteinerbergerAnalytic Number Theory and Optimal Transport: an interesting connection
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