Recent Advances in Modern p-Adic Geometry (RAMpAGe)

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commutative algebra algebraic geometry number theory

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Wednesday 17:00-18:20 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: David Hansen*, Arthur-César Le Bras*, Jared Weinstein*
*contact for this listing

The Zoom Meeting ID is: 995 3670 1681. The password for the series is: *The first three-digit prime*. Please visit the external homepage for notes and videos from past talks.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedAug 1016:00Bhargav BhattPrismatic F-gauges (final RAMpAGe talk!)
WedJun 0116:00Juan Esteban Rodriguez CamargoSolid locally analytic representations of $p$-adic Lie groups
WedMay 2516:00Carl Wang-EricksonSigns of a p-adic geometric Langlands correspondence: part II
WedMay 1816:00Shizhang Liu-torsions in Breuil-Kisin prismatic cohomology
WedMay 0416:00Christian JohanssonSigns of a p-adic geometric Langlands correspondence: part I
WedMar 2316:00Siyan Daniel Li-HuertaThe plectic conjecture over local fields
WedMar 0217:00Jackson MorrowOn p-adic uniformization of abelian varieties with good reduction
WedFeb 0917:00João LourençoOn the p-adic theory of local models II
WedFeb 0217:00Johannes AnschützOn the p-adic theory of local models I
WedJan 2617:00Lue PanOn the p-adic Hodge structure of completed cohomology of modular curves II
WedJan 1917:00Lue PanOn the p-adic Hodge structure of completed cohomology of modular curves I
ThuDec 1617:00George Boxer & Vincent PilloniHigher Coleman Theory III
ThuDec 0917:00George Boxer & Vincent PilloniHigher Coleman Theory II
ThuDec 0217:00George Boxer & Vincent PilloniHigher Coleman Theory I
ThuNov 1118:00Mark KisinEssential dimension via prismatic cohomology
ThuNov 0416:00Akhil MathewOn the $\mathbb{Z}_p(i)$ of Bhatt-Morrow-Scholze
ThuOct 2116:00Arthur-César Le BrasBun_G minicourse: Construction of the eigensheaf
TueOct 1916:00Johannes AnschützBun_G minicourse: The spectral action
ThuOct 1416:00David HansenBun_G minicourse: The Kottwitz conjecture
TueOct 1216:00Jared WeinsteinBun_G minicourse: Lefschetz formula for diamonds
ThuOct 0716:00Tasho KalethaBun_G minicourse: Local Langlands
TueOct 0516:00Jared WeinsteinBun_G minicourse: Introduction
ThuJun 2416:00Benjamin SchraenFinite length for cohomological mod p representations of GL2 of a p-adic field
ThuJun 1716:00Guido BoscoRational p-adic Hodge theory for non-proper rigid-analytic varieties
ThuJun 1016:00Stefano MorraModuli of Fontaine–Laffaille modules and local–global compatibility mod p
ThuJun 0316:00Elena MantovanInfinitely many primes of basic reduction
ThuMay 2716:00Tamir HemoUnipotent categorical local Langlands correspondence
ThuMay 1316:00Alex YoucisGeometric coverings of rigid spaces
ThuMay 0615:00Timo RicharzA categorical Kunneth formula for Weil sheaves
ThuApr 2915:00Matteo TamiozzoOn torsion in the cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties
ThuApr 2215:00Andrea DottoMod p Bernstein centres of p-adic groups
ThuApr 1515:00Hélène EsnaultConnections and Symmetric Differential Forms
ThuApr 0815:00Judith LudwigEndoscopic points on the SL(2)-eigencurve
ThuMar 1815:00Chi-Yun HsuPartial classicality of Hilbert modular forms
ThuMar 1117:00Hiroki KatoEtale cohomology of algebraizable rigid analytic varieties via nearby cycles over general bases
ThuMar 0416:00Alexander PetrovGeometrically irreducible $p$-adic local systems are de Rham up to a twist
ThuFeb 2517:00Maria FoxSupersingular loci of some unitary Shimura varieties
ThuFeb 1817:00Lucas Mann$p$-adic six functors on diamonds
ThuFeb 1117:00Joe Kramer-MillerThe ramification of p-adic representations coming from geometry
ThuJan 2817:00Ben Heuerv-vector bundles on rigid spaces
ThuJan 2117:00Gabriel DospinescuCohomology of the Drinfeld tower: a family affair
ThuJan 1418:00Rebecca BellovinGalois representations over pseudorigid spaces
ThuJan 0717:00Alexander IvanovOn $p$-adic Deligne--Lusztig spaces
ThuDec 1717:00Lynnelle YeThe valuative criterion for properness for eigenvarieties
ThuDec 1017:00Tony FengEquivariant localization, parity sheaves, and cyclic base change
ThuDec 0317:00James NewtonSymmetric power functoriality and the geometry of eigenvarieties
ThuNov 1917:00Emanuel ReineckeThe cohomology of moduli of curves at infinite level
ThuNov 1217:00Kiran KedlayaSeveral forms of Drinfeld's lemma
ThuNov 0517:00Cong XueSmoothness of the cohomology sheaves of stacks of shtukas
ThuOct 2916:00Linus HamannCompatibility of the Fargues-Scholze and Gan-Takeda Local Langlands Correspondences
ThuOct 2216:00Piotr AchingerHodge theory over $\mathbf{C}((t))$
ThuOct 1516:00Haoyang GuoHodge-Tate decomposition for non-smooth rigid spaces
ThuOct 0816:00Peter WearPerfectoid covers of abelian varieties and the weight-monodromy conjecture
ThuOct 0116:00Ian GleasonOn the geometric connected components of moduli of mixed characteristic shtukas
ThuSep 2416:00Dustin ClausenQuasicoherent sheaves on rigid analytic spaces
ThuSep 1716:00Eva ViehmannNewton strata in the weakly admissible locus
ThuSep 1015:00Miaofen ChenConnectedness of Kisin varieties associated to absolutely irreducible Galois representations
ThuSep 0316:00*No meeting*TBA
ThuAug 2716:00Lue PanOn the locally analytic vectors of the completed cohomology of modular curves
ThuAug 2016:00Robert CassMod p Hecke algebras and perverse F_p-sheaves
ThuAug 1316:00Richard MagnerOn the Cohomology of Moduli of Mixed Characteristic Shtukas
ThuAug 0616:00Ana CaraianiA comparison theorem for ordinary p-adic modular forms
ThuJul 3016:00Wiesława Niziołp-adic étale cohomology of period domains
ThuJul 2317:00Bogdan ZavyalovMod-p Poincaré duality in p-adic geometry
ThuJul 1616:00Peter ScholzePrismatic crystals and crystalline Galois representations
ThuJul 0916:00Charlotte ChanL-packets of S-unramified regular supercuspidal representations
ThuJul 0216:00Shizhang LiSome examples and results on integral p-adic Hodge filtrations
ThuJun 2516:00Sean HoweA p-adic transcendence criterion for CM Galois representations
ThuJun 1816:00Bhargav BhattA p-adic Riemann-Hilbert functor and applications
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