Micro-Conference on C0 symplectic topology

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symplectic geometry

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizer: Octav Cornea*
*contact for this listing

This is a series of three talks (the first, by Seyfaddini, at the Symplectic Zoominar) on the general topic of C0 symplectic topology. Zoom links are on the external homepage.

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Your timeSpeakerTitle
SatMar 0615:30Vincent HumilièreC^0 continuity of spectral invariants and applications
SatMar 0614:00Rémi LeclercqC^0 flexigidity of submanifolds
FriMar 0514:15Sobhan Seyfaddini (at the Symplectic Zoominar)Periodic Floer homology and the large-scale geometry of Hofer's metric on the sphere
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