Homotopical algebra learning seminar

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algebraic topology category theory Physics

Audience: Advanced learners
Seminar series time: Monday 01:00-02:30 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Praphulla Koushik*
*contact for this listing

In this series, we discuss material from Daniel Quillen's book Homotopical algebra.

This will happen in zoom platform.

The plan is to cover one section in each session.

There are 11 sections in the book. So, we meet on 11 mondays, starting from 16th December 2024

Feel free to contact me on praphullakoushik16@gmail.com to get zoom credentials for the sessions.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
MonDec 1601:00Praphulla Koushik1.1 The axioms
MonDec 2301:00Praphulla Koushik1.2 The loop and suspension functors
MonDec 3001:00Praphulla Koushik1.3 Fibrartion and cofibration seqeunces
MonJan 0601:00Praphulla Koushik1.4 Equivalence of homotopy theories
MonJan 1301:00Praphulla Koushik1.5 Closed model categories
MonJan 2001:00TBA2.1 simplicial categories
MonJan 2701:00TBA2.2 closed simplicial model categories
MonFeb 0301:00TBA2.3 topological spaces, simplicial sets and simplicial groups
MonFeb 1001:00TBA2.4 sA as a model category
MonFeb 1701:00TBA2.5 Homology and cohomology
MonFeb 2401:00TBA2.6 Modules over a simplicial ring
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