Hodge Seminar

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algebraic geometry symplectic geometry

University of Edinburgh

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizers: Léa Bittmann, Jeff Hicks*, Qingyuan Jiang
*contact for this listing

The EDGE seminar and the MAXIMALS seminar are combined to be the Edinburgh Hodge seminar for this year.

The Edinburgh Hodge seminar is held every other Wednesday, with talks from 1:45-2:45 and 3-4PM on zoom. On some weeks, there will be a 30 minutes pre-talk starting at 1pm.

The Zoom password for the week is "hodge*", where * is replaced with the date in the format of 29sep. The seminar is organised by all faculty working in the Hodge institute, and currently coordinated by Léa Bittmann, Jeff Hicks, and Qingyuan Jiang.

Mailing Lists. Since most of our seminars will occur together with MAXIMALS in a doubleheader format, we have a joint mailing list, that we will use to send unified announcements. To subscribe to the maxi-edge mailing list, send an email to sympa@mlist.is.ed.ac.uk, with subject line: subscribe maxi-edge your_first_name your_last_name. To unsubscribe at any time, send an email to the same with subject unsubscribe maxi-edge.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuDec 1613:00TBATBA
WedDec 0815:00Hongdi HuangTwisting of graded quantum groups and solutions to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation
WedDec 0813:45Matthew PresslandCategorification of positroids and positroid varieties
ThuDec 0213:00Sukjoo LeeTBA
WedNov 2415:00Orsola Capovilla-SearleInfinitely many Lagrangian Tori in Milnor fibers constructed via Lagrangian Fillings of Legendrian links
WedNov 2413:00Junliang ShenCohomology of the moduli of Higgs bundles via positive characteristic
ThuNov 1813:45Vyjayanthi ChariTBA
ThuNov 0413:00Umut VarolgunesTrying to quantify Gromov's non-squeezing theorem
WedOct 2714:00Dougal DavisMixed Hodge modules, Lusztig-Vogan polynomials, and unitary representations of real reductive groups
WedOct 2712:45Franco RotaTBA
ThuOct 2112:00Sasha MinetsKLR algebras in positive characteristic and their stratifications
WedOct 1314:00Wahei HaraGlobal generation of instanton bundles of charge 3 on del Pezzo threefolds of degree 4
WedOct 1312:45Shengxuan LiuStability condition on Calabi-Yau threefold of complete intersection of quadratic and quartic hypersurfaces
ThuOct 0712:00Lucien HennecartThe number of isoclasses of absolutely indecomposable representations of the modular group is a polynomial
WedSep 2914:00Léa BittmannA Schur-Weyl duality between Double Afffine Hecke Algebras and quantum groups
WedSep 2912:45Kostya TolmachovMonodromic model for Khovanov-Rozansky homology
TueJun 1614:30Andrew DancerSymplectic duality and implosion
ThuJun 0414:30Swarnava MukhopadhyayGraph potentials and the moduli space of vector bundles of rank two on a curve
TueJun 0214:30Johannes NicaiseStable rationality of complete intersections
TueMay 1214:30Pierrick BousseauQuasimodular forms from Betti numbers
TueApr 2814:30Victoria HoskinsMotives of moduli spaces of bundles over a curve
TueApr 2114:30Gregory SankaranBlowups with log canonical singularities
TueApr 1415:00Chenyang XuK-moduli of Fano varieties
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