Differential Cohesive Topos (unlisted)

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mathematical physics algebraic topology category theory differential geometry

Audience: Advanced learners
Seminar series time: Friday 18:30-20:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Keyao Peng*
*contact for this listing

We mainly work on Differential cohomology in a cohesive infinity-topos(v2) [DCCT] ncatlab.org/schreiber/show/differential+cohomology+in+a+cohesive+topos

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriOct 0117:30soneoneLie algebras and The Chern-Weil homomorphism
FriSep 2417:30soneonePrincipal connections and Characteristic classes
FriSep 1717:30someonePrincipal bundles
FriSep 1017:30someoneSmooth homotopy types
FriSep 0317:30someoneSmooth 0-type and Differential forms
FriAug 1317:30wait for youCohesive Infinity topos and modal homotopy type theory
FriAug 0617:30wait for youInfinity topos and homotopy type theory
FriJul 3017:30wait for youDifferential cohesive topos
FriJul 2317:30wait for youInfinity topos
FriJul 1617:30wait for youAccessible and presentable category
FriJul 0917:30wait for youCohesive topos
FriJul 0217:30wait for youInfinity category theory for undergraduates
FriJun 2515:00Felix CherubiniHomotopy type theory
FriJun 1117:30Keyao PengTopos: a first introduction
WedMay 2617:30someone 2example2
WedMay 1917:30someone 1example1
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