Dynamical systems and PDEs

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mathematical physics analysis of PDEs dynamical systems

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Every other Wednesday 15:00-16:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Sergei KUKSIN, Dmitry TRESCHEV, Andrey DYMOV*
*contact for this listing

The Zoom link appears on the homepage of the seminar www.mathnet.ru/php/conference.phtml?&eventID=9&confid=1832&option_lang=eng shortly before the talk. You may also subscribe to the mailing list by writing at DSandPDEs at gmail.com

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedMar 0215:00Alexey BolsinovSymplectic invariants of integrable Hamiltonian systems
WedFeb 1615:00Sergei KuksinTwo models for wave turbulence
WedFeb 0215:00Daniel Peralta-SalasMHD equilibria in toroidal geometries
WedJan 1915:00Armen ShirikyanGlobal stabilisation of damped-driven conservation laws by a one-dimensional forcing
WedDec 1515:00Tarek M ElgindiRemarks on the long-time behavior of solutions of 2d Euler
WedNov 2414:00Sergei VakulenkoUniversal dynamical approximation by Oberbeck-Boussinesque model
WedNov 1015:00Alexander KiselevSmall scale creation in active scalars
WedOct 2714:00Sylvia SerfatyMean-field limits for singular flows
WedOct 1314:00Carlangelo LiveraniFast-slow partially hyperbolic Dynamical Systems
WedSep 2914:00Erwan FaouLinear damping around inhomogeneous stationary states of the Vlasov-HMF model
WedJun 0914:00Andrey MironovCommuting differential and difference operators
WedMay 2614:00Jacob BedrossianA regularity method for lower bounds on the Lyapunov exponent for stochastic differential equations
WedMay 1214:00Dario BambusiGrowth of Sobolev norms for unbounded perturbations of the Laplacian on flat tori (towards a quantum Nekhoroshev theorem)
WedApr 2114:00Francois HuveneersIntegrability breaking in extended Hamiltonian systems
WedApr 0714:00Wilhelm SchlagOn the long-term dynamics of nonlinear wave equations and the uniqueness of solitons
WedMar 2415:00Alexander VeselovGeodesic scattering on hyperboloids and Knoerrer’s map
WedMar 1015:00Laurent StolovitchGeometry of hyperbolic Cauchy-Riemann singularities and KAM-like theory for holomorphic involutions
WedFeb 2415:00Victor KleptsynThe Furstenberg theorem : adding a parameter and removing the stationarity (on a joint work with A. Gorodetski)
WedFeb 1015:00Roman NovikovMultidimensional inverse scattering problem for the Schrödinger equation
WedJan 2715:00Isabelle GallagherOn the derivation of the Boltzmann equation: fluctuations and large deviations
WedDec 2315:00Leonid PolterovichInstabilities in Hamiltonian dynamics and symplectic topology
WedDec 0915:00Laurent NiedermanQuasi periodic co-orbital motions (joint work with Philippe Robutel and Alexandre Pousse)
WedNov 2515:00Sergey DenisovSingularity formation in the contour dynamics for 2d Euler equation on the plane
WedOct 2815:00Sergei TABACHNIKOVFlavors of bicycle mathematics
WedOct 1414:00Michela PROCESISome new results on almost periodic solutions for dispersive PDEs on the circle
WedSep 3014:00Sergei KUKSINKolmogorov theory of turbulence and its rigorous model, given by the Burgers equation
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