Cosmology from Home 2020

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cosmology and nongalactic astrophysics general relativity and quantum cosmology

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizers: Shaun Hotchkiss*, Niko Šarčević, Benjamin Wallisch, Matthijs van der Wild, Yuanyuan Zhang
Curator: Jerry M.*
*contact for this listing

Cosmology from Home (24-Aug-2020 - 04-Sept-2020) is an online cosmology conference with a novel format aimed at bringing the real-world workshop experience into the virtual domain. The format includes the use of pre-recorded talks, and a combination of asynchronous and scheduled live discussions. The conference brought together cosmologists from around the world to discuss the current state of cosmology at the interface of theory and observations.

87 pre-recorded videos are available at the Cosmology from Home 2020 playlist on YouTube

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