Columbia Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic Seminar

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algebraic geometry number theory representation theory

Columbia University

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Friday 14:30-16:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Chao Li*, Eric Urban
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriDec 1015:30Shaul ZemelSpecial cycles on toroidal compactifications of orthogonal Shimura varieties
FriDec 0315:30Antonio LeiIwasawa theory over imaginary quadratic fields for inert primes
FriNov 1915:30Maria FoxSupersingular Loci of Unitary (2,m-2) Shimura Varieties
FriNov 1215:30Yujie XuOn normalization in the integral models of Shimura varieties of Hodge type
FriNov 0514:30Ming-Lun HsiehOn the first derivatives of the cyclotomic Katz p-adic L-functions for CM fields
FriOct 2917:00Elena MantovanInfinitely many primes of basic reduction
FriOct 2214:30Yunqing TangThe unbounded denominators conjecture
FriOct 1514:30Daniel DisegniEuler systems for conjugate-symplectic motives
FriOct 0814:30Brian LawrenceSparsity of Integral Points on Moduli Spaces of Varieties
FriOct 0114:30Linus HamannCompatibility of the Fargues-Scholze and Gan-Takeda Local Langlands
FriSep 1714:30Robin ZhangModular Gelfand pairs and multiplicity-free triples
FriApr 0914:30Daniel LittSingle-valued Hodge, p-adic^2, and tropical integration
FriMar 2614:30Lei ZhangTwisted Automorphic Descent and Gan-Gross-Prasad Conjecture
FriMar 1914:30Cong XueCohomology sheaves of stacks of shtukas
FriMar 1215:30Zhiwei YunTowards a higher arithmetic Siegel-Weil formula for unitary groups
FriFeb 2616:00Ashay BurungaleAn even parity instance of the Goldfeld conjecture
FriFeb 1215:30Yingkun LiIntegrality of regularized Petersson inner product
FriFeb 0515:30Shizhang LiOn the boundary case of Breuil--Caruso's theory
FriJan 2915:30Paul NelsonThe orbit method, microlocal analysis and applications to L-functions
FriDec 1815:30Amadou BahVariation of the Swan conductor of an F\mathbb{F}_{\ell}-sheaf on a rigid disc
FriDec 1115:30Zhilin LuoA local trace formula for the local Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for special orthogonal groups
FriDec 0415:30Eugen HellmannTowards automorphy lifting for semi-stable Galois representations
FriNov 2015:30Takuya YamauchiAutomorphy of mod 2 Galois representations associated to the quintic Dwork family and reciprocity of some quintic trinomials
FriNov 1315:30Yuanqing CaiCertain representations with unique models
FriNov 0615:30Chi-Yun HsuConstruction of Euler systems for GSp4×GL2
FriOct 3014:30David LoefflerP-adic interpolation of Gross--Prasad periods and diagonal cycles
FriOct 2314:30Sarah ZerbesThe Bloch—Kato conjecture for GSp(4)
FriOct 1614:30George BoxerHigher Coleman Theory
FriOct 0914:30Jonathan WangLocal L-values and geometric harmonic analysis on spherical varieties
FriOct 0214:30Hector PastenA Chabauty-Coleman estimate for surfaces in abelian threefolds
FriSep 2514:30Dennis GaitsgoryThe stack of local systems with restricted variation and the passage from geometric to classical Langlands theory
FriSep 1814:30Michele ForneaPoints on elliptic curves via p-adic integration
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