Introduction to Flint (25min)

William Hart (TU Kaiserslautern)

27-May-2020, 18:00-18:25 (5 years ago)

Abstract: I will give an introduction to the Flint library, which is a component of Sage used for basic arithmetic in a variety of rings. Flint is a C library that includes highly optimised implementations of integers, rationals, finite fields and padics, and matrices and polynomials (univariate and multivariate) over these rings. There will be some benchmarks to highlight the performance of Flint.

Follow-up talk:

mathematical softwaresymbolic computationMathematics

Audience: general audience

( video )

Global Virtual SageDays 109

Series comments: Description: 50-hour virtual event for users and developers of SageMath

Please register, preferably before the start of the event, at

Links to individual videostreams will be posted on Zulip before the beginning of each talk.

Organizers: Matthias Köppe*, Samuel Lelièvre, Dima Pasechnik, Yuan Zhou*
*contact for this listing

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