On the 2d-KPZ

Nikolaos Zygouras (University of Warwick)

06-Jul-2021, 14:00-15:00 (3 years ago)

Abstract: The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation in dimension 1 is by now fairly well understood, both in terms of its solution theory and its phenomenology. But in the critical dimension 2, the first steps of progress have only recently been made, which shows signs of a rich structure. In particular, a phase transition is observed when the noise is suitably scaled. Below the critical scaling, the 2d KPZ coincides with the Edwards-Wilkinson universality, while at the critical scaling and beyond, its behaviour is still mysterious. We will review joint works with F. Caravenna and R. Sun as well as contributions by other groups, and expose some of the tools used, including (discrete) stochastic analysis, renewal theory, and mathematical physics ideas from the study of disorder relevance and Schrodinger operators with point interactions.

mathematical physics

Audience: researchers in the discipline

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One world IAMP mathematical physics seminar

Series comments: In order to receive announcements, please send an email to IAMPseminars@gmail.com with “subscribe” in the subject line.

Organizers: Margherita Disertori*, Wojciech Dybalski*, Ian Jauslin, Hal Tasaki*
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